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Meet Our Financial Consultants in Little Rock, AR

Managing Over


Years of Experience


CFP® Professionals


Collaborative Team


From families building their lives to individuals and couples nearing retirement, our mission stays the same. At ClientFirst, we believe that financial health—and financial confidence—is key to living well. Our team is committed to helping you experience this peace of mind by building a plan customized to your goals.

By remaining a fee-only fiduciary, we accept no sales commission for recommending products over others, and the guidance we provide is with your best interest in mind. With us, you can expect advice tailored to you—supported by a long-lasting relationship together.

Edward P. Mahaffy, MBA, CFP®, ChFC® Photo Edward P. Mahaffy, MBA, CFP®, ChFC® Hover Photo

Edward P. Mahaffy, MBA, CFP®, ChFC®

President and Senior Portfolio Manager
Rocklin Senavinin, CFP® Photo Rocklin Senavinin, CFP® Hover Photo

Rocklin Senavinin, CFP®

Partner FWM
Tami Borland, CFP® Photo Tami Borland, CFP® Hover Photo

Tami Borland, CFP®

Financial Planning and Operations
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